Please consider donating to the Genetic Literacy Project

The Genetic Literacy Project is dedicated to disentangling ideology from science. Our mission is to improve the quality of the public discourse, encourage innovation and act as a hub for journalists, NGOs, industry, policy makers and the public on issues involving biotechnology, biomedicine, food and farming. The GLP is a non-profit arm of the 501(c)(3) Science Literacy Project. We depend on the generosity of foundations, associations, philanthropists and individuals, including people like you, interested in our project and programs. Each contribution helps support the kind of independent journalism that you have come to expect. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the GLP. Thank you.

We value your feedback. While donating, please also provide us guidance on changes we might consider for the GLP.

Science Literacy Project EIN: 52-1844456

For mailed donations, please send to:

Science Literacy Project/Genetic Literacy Project
ATTN: Brian Muia
Loblolly Solutions
4780 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Suite 540-431
Atlanta, GA 30338


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